today a reader, tomorrow a leader


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A fun card game that unleashes the observation power in your child at its core. Do you see me? aims at improving your child’s knowledge about Animals, Modes of transport, Fruits and Vegetables, all packed in a fun competitive game that also develops response speed and cognitive skills. The game consists of over 60+ cards which increases the playability and learning. It truly is the best mix of learning and fun!

The power of observation improves the ability of our children to make note of and understand their surroundings better, and develop response.  As the game progresses your child involves themselves into a world of animals, modes of transport & fruits and Vegetables and starts to observe more and more details to tell the odd one out quicker than their competitor.

The ability to grasp the details of the animals is improved through the power of focus and they develop a faster response over time which unleashes the power of speed.

To play:
On go, the top-most card from the draw pile is flipped to face-up. Each player must be the fastest at spotting the odd one out based on

  • Animals – that live on land,water or air
  • Modes of transport – Land , water or air
  • Fruits or vegetables

Anyone to spot the “odd one out” can either point or name it out loud. The first player to point or name wins that card and takes the card from the draw pile and places it in front or on top of the already won cards. After winning this card, a new card from the draw pile is revealed. The game continues until all the cards from the draw pile have been drawn.

February 10, 2023 — Yuka Champs